Sunday, October 01, 2006

"7.6" - Award Winning Documentary

World premiere of my film, "7.6" at the South Asian International Film Festival on October 8, 2006 at Lincoln Center's Clearview Cinema. Subsequently WON Audience Choice Award for Favorite Short Film.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

"Lord of the Fishes"

This ten minute film was shot in the mountains of NWFP Pakistan inside a dam lake, where you take a tour on the boat of a "Machera" which means fisherman in Urdu.  We document how they go out everday and catch fish in the dam, and then interview the buyer of the fish who hires the fisherman.  The ownership of the fishing rights for the dam's lake is discussed and the distribution methods and locations along with the price and the seasons where they enjoy the most fishes caught and the reasons behind that.
Production Phase= Post-production in editing

^Click to see the trailer!^

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

"The Gun Bazaars"

This short film assesses the comparison of the gun sale conventions in Southern USA and a road in the "FATA" (federally Administered Tribal Areas) in north west Pakistan in "Alakah-Ghar" where nothing but guns and hashish are sold.In this area it is very hard to get footage.

"The Film Doctor"

This short film was shot in the streets of Ghulberg, Lahore.  This film is about an interview with the most famous "blockbuster" which is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for film rentals in Ghala Market, Ghulberg, Lahore.  We paid the owner of the store a visit at 3am at night to see what his point of view on the "lollywood industry" and discuss the major issues which influence the pakistani entertainment industry along with issues like illegal distribution to downloading and media regulations.
Production Phase= Post-production

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

"Afghan Exchange"

This little 5 minute movie not only depicts the process by which you exchange currency on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan.  It also gives you a tour of driving through the Khyber Pass and a display of what the border looks like where you are not allowed to film!  You must then park your car and hire someone at the border to get you across if allowed.
Status: Post production

Thursday, September 21, 2006

"A Liberal Road to SAWCC"

This film is about the South Asian Women that are creative and liberal that have it made in the Western Art Industry. The focus of the film follows two womens amazing road to finding themselves in the right place.

^click to go to the SAWCC website

Saturday, September 16, 2006

7/11 on 9/11 Newsweek

Amar Bakshi and I had a chat about my childhood and post-9/11 life in America.

Check it out the Video & Article
Newsweek Article

Friday, September 01, 2006

"Taxila Museum"

Coming soon!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Real "FOB"s

I recently saw a documentary by John Pilger "Stealing a Nation". The reality to struck at home, and once again I knew why it is important to make films again. A whole nation of Chagos was uprooted and sent to the Mauritius Island who were once promised money from the british government for being displaced but ended up mostly living in the slums of Mauritius.

The acronym FOB that I once used as a joke to say "Fresh Off the Boat" is actually technical jargon of the military "Forward Operating Base" which is like the Island of Guam, Vieques, and the Ottals of Chagos Island. A great article by Sean Gonsalves discusses this furthur.

After watching Iron Man last night, and this documentary in the morning, it is easy to draw parallels between the hungry & the Obese, the powerful & the hopeless, the poor & the rich.

Their is no middle class when it comes to such extreme agents of change, and their is only the yin or the yang.

What will become of our nation at this election? 2008 - vote for the audacity of Hope

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

MOGU- A Montage By Ali Khan

Greetings Earthlings,

Check out a film for my Photography Assignment, that turned out to be more interesting than we expected.( Thanks to all the help from people who were involved in production to provide the location and sound, and other props necessary to inspire....:))

Synopsis: Mogu is a cat fed up with his owner "The Don", a producer in Hollywood, who always has meetings while getting drunk and starts torch-erring Mogu. Mohinjodaro Dalaji is a famous Argentinian/Palestinian film director who is visiting Hollywood with his new film which is nominated for some awards. The plot thickens when The Don finds out that Mohinjodaro is also an animal rights activist. Although the story takes a turn as Ali Guvera, a cuban/pakistani struggling actor in Hollywood, is paying a visit to find acting gigs, and Ali G. must play a hero before he is even cast!!

Cast: Mohinjodaro Dalaji ( Faisal Ansari)
The Don ( Yasir Maqsood)
Ali Guvera ( Ali Khan)
Mogu ( Mogambo)

Crew: Andrea H. ( Director of Photography)
Rahim R. ( Key Grip )
Sheba K.( Script Supervisor)
Jen S. ( Assistant Director)
Ali K. ( Music Score)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

James Bond Party and the SPY Genres Evolution in Cinema

The theme was right on course with what Hitchcock portrayed. In Rick Altmans book "Film Genre" he states the 4 different transitions the classical GANGSTER genre film goes through, it is evolutionary how this transforms the SPY genre the james bond themse consists of today.

Also an important lesson is that never drink too much gin and talk about 1960s french cinema and style of clothing, its just not right until its a right time.

Today I want to look at 3 main things through this wonderful experince of gin and tonic, and chamgpange to close out the night

1. Jean Seberg, in BREATHLESS of GODDARDs classic French New Wave Cinema , is the first women with short hair as a lead actress??

2. Did Hitchcock inspire Spy Films in 1930s long before the first bond move 30 years later??

3. Would there be an Uma Thurman and Tarrantino if it wanst inspired by Jean Sebergs and Goddards partnership??

Well this post will certainly be alot of fun....

So Jean was a supporter of the Black Panthers, so was the president of almost every country....

until next time agent 007

Ali n Khan

Tuesday, February 21, 2006" - A True Story By Ali Khan

It was a cold, windy and dark night in the big apple, a frostbiteful type of weekend, as I decided to pay a routine visit out to the suburbs of long island to visit my own immigrant mother. As I calmly increased the base on my BOSE headphones for the train ride with the tunes of siberian trance, and soothed my eyes with a book from the golden ages of cinema depicting a chapter comparing the facial expressions of Charlie Chaplin in the 30's compared to Jim Carey in the 90's in the context of narrative structures in comedy genres with limited dialogue.
I arrived to my door steps, breezing out of a cab smelling fresh of pine tree air freshner mixed with white castle burgers, and putting closure to a conversation with an old cab driver about his point of view on Apocolycse's arrival based on the realtive increase of gothic music as a supporting premise.
Brushing my dogs hair off before giving my mom a hug, with my breathe smelling like sashimi and soy sauce. The aroma of curry sauces filled the air as I saw an especially interesting look in her eyes that night. You see a week ago I had spoken to her about my current volunteer activities with the Barack Obama campaign in Harlem.
About a half hour later, as I was checking my email, I walked past her room with the glaring images of the TV reflecting poorly acted dramas capturing satellite images from half way across the world, as she continued on with her phone calls with foreign relatives about who's cousin should be attending who's wedding in a whatever location.
I asked her to hang up on the phone and call the extremely loud aunt back at a later time. I asked her did she "want to learn how to use the computer to help barack win the Louisiana Primary tonight"? She said " I have been trying to learn for the past 10 years, but this is the type of reason one should want to learn".
You See, She had expressed interest in the use of this device called the Computer to seek out the World Wide Web but not with the this type of passion, because it propelled her to motivate herself to sit in front of it for 4 hours straight as she did that night. You Ask why my friends? Its because of change, because she wanted the courage to believe, because she had no longer believed in her right to vote as material, after having flashbacks of the Florida chads debacle.
Well I knew this was going to be a challenging task but the reason enough was sufficient to excel in the task, and wanting to learn how to log on to the computer at the age of 60 yrs old, and wanting to see how she can volunteer for obama, so like myself, I signed her up as a volunteer on his website, and quite simply started from STEP 1. How to turn the POWER ON of the PC and Monitor STEP 2. CREATE A User Name
STEP 3. Open up a browserSTEP4STEP 55. After creating an an account for
I must say with his amazing dashboard tools on his website, it was highly user friendly and customizable as you can change it based on your criteria, you can see his views on each issue, and then she was given 20 peoples phone numbers in Louisiana to call before the polls would close to encourage them to go out and VOTE to make a CHANGE as she had just done herself . The polls were set to close that night at 8pm eastern time and she had 2 hours to get these to go out and vote. So she was "fired up, and ready to go"
Struggling with her broken ENGLISH, having the right to vote herself she shared stories with each individual that picked up the phone, she GOT THE COURAGE to call these people in Louisiana, and tell them get to the polls, and with his highly effective tools on his website she was able to read the pre scripted messages and based on each response provide the necessary answers,
One person asked her the nearest location where he can vote, and she was able to provide him with the answer, as I SAT THERE IN SHOCK, amazed at her courage to not only learn the computer but make a difference within minutes, The next morning some people who she had left a message for even called back and she explained to them how they can still can help themselves.
2 hours later she gotten 4 people to go out and vote so she celebrated by playing an online game of checkers which she later learned how to access on the computer.
The next morning she asked me to check the news on who had won in the polls and subsequently the answer was HOPE, and CHANGE had won the next morning!

Ali K.