Tuesday, March 21, 2006

James Bond Party and the SPY Genres Evolution in Cinema

The theme was right on course with what Hitchcock portrayed. In Rick Altmans book "Film Genre" he states the 4 different transitions the classical GANGSTER genre film goes through, it is evolutionary how this transforms the SPY genre the james bond themse consists of today.

Also an important lesson is that never drink too much gin and talk about 1960s french cinema and style of clothing, its just not right until its a right time.

Today I want to look at 3 main things through this wonderful experince of gin and tonic, and chamgpange to close out the night

1. Jean Seberg, in BREATHLESS of GODDARDs classic French New Wave Cinema , is the first women with short hair as a lead actress??

2. Did Hitchcock inspire Spy Films in 1930s long before the first bond move 30 years later??

3. Would there be an Uma Thurman and Tarrantino if it wanst inspired by Jean Sebergs and Goddards partnership??

Well this post will certainly be alot of fun....

So Jean was a supporter of the Black Panthers, so was the president of almost every country....

until next time agent 007

Ali n Khan