Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Real "FOB"s

I recently saw a documentary by John Pilger "Stealing a Nation". The reality to struck at home, and once again I knew why it is important to make films again. A whole nation of Chagos was uprooted and sent to the Mauritius Island who were once promised money from the british government for being displaced but ended up mostly living in the slums of Mauritius.

The acronym FOB that I once used as a joke to say "Fresh Off the Boat" is actually technical jargon of the military "Forward Operating Base" which is like the Island of Guam, Vieques, and the Ottals of Chagos Island. A great article by Sean Gonsalves discusses this furthur.

After watching Iron Man last night, and this documentary in the morning, it is easy to draw parallels between the hungry & the Obese, the powerful & the hopeless, the poor & the rich.

Their is no middle class when it comes to such extreme agents of change, and their is only the yin or the yang.

What will become of our nation at this election? 2008 - vote for the audacity of Hope