Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In Loco Parentis Performance

I am performing in this play on Nov 18-21 at 8pm every night

In Loco Parentis
a drama about a teacher, a student, and studying Hamlet
written by Michael DeVito
directed by Jonathan Warman
an Equity* approved showcase with

Desmond Dutcher*
Kristin Katherine Shields*
Ali N. Khan &
Ralph Pochoda*
at the Manhattan Theatre Source
177 Macdougal Street /W8th St.

November 18-21, 2009, 8 pm

Friday, November 06, 2009

Buddha Audition

Just auditioned for a Hollywood film being cast in LA regarding Siddharthas life

Thank You
Ali N. Khan

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Sprite Audition

Just auditioned for a 30 second spot for Sprite.

Ali N. Khan